In this blog we want to show the process of the project that will take place soon in Vontovorona, Madagascar. We are excited and looking forward to begin our work at the childcare managed by Yamuna. Neus, Estel and Marta.

jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2011

L'aula de pre-escolar ja fa camí! / The presschool classroom is on its way!

Avui s’ha inaugurat l’escola!

Mireu quin goig que fan els nous alumnes amb les seves bates noves! Aquests seran la primera promoció de la nova escola.

I dels mestres què en dieu?

I de la feinada en organitzar la classe?

Com podeu veure tothom hi ha posat el seu gra de sorra amb molta il·lusió. Ha estat un dia entranyable!

Today the school was opened!

Take a look at the great joy that the new students have in their new clothes! They are the first students of the new school.

And what do you think about the teachers?

And what do you think about the hard work that they have done to organize the classroom?

As you can see, everyone played their part with great enthusiasm. It was a fantastic day!

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