In this blog we want to show the process of the project that will take place soon in Vontovorona, Madagascar. We are excited and looking forward to begin our work at the childcare managed by Yamuna. Neus, Estel and Marta.

martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011

La vida en el centre Yamuna / Life in Yamuna's center

Aquests dies després de la formació estem organitzant i preparant el que serà el pre-escolar a Mandrosoa. Hi ha encara força coses a fer: organitzar i preparar les aules per quan arribin els alumnes, comprar el material escolar necessari pel curs, organitzar armaris, pintar taules i cadires, plastificar material per protegir-lo de la pols, encarregar les bates, estovalles, tovallons i cortines al taller de costura que porten a terme les dones a Yamuna, etc. 

I sobretot, planificar els continguts de les diferent àrees (llenguatge, matemàtiques, medi natural,...) i activitats que es portaran a terme durant el curs. Aquesta feina l’estan portant a terme amb molt d’entusiasme la Tahina, la Fanja i el Gabriel, els nous responsables del primer any d’escola.

Mentrestant la vida al centre Yamuna continua.

Recently, we have been organizing and preparing things at the new school of Vontovorona. There is still quite a lot to do: organize and prepare the classroom because the students will be arriving soon, buy the necessary school materials for the course, organize the closets, paint the tables and the chairs and, laminate certain materials to protect them from dust, etc.
Above all, we have to plan the content for the different subject areas (language, mathematics, environment,…) and what activities will be carried out during the course. This work is being done with great enthusiasm by Tahina, Fanja and Gabriel, the new leaders of the first year of school.

Meanwhile life continues at the center of Yamuna.


Entrada de Yamuna i el nou edifici en construcció. Cada dia es pot veure com avança la nova construcció. Aquest nou edifici es va iniciar al mes de maig i estarà acabat al Setembre. Tindrà dues habitacions pels nois de 13 a 18 anys i un despatx per la directora del centre i un altre per l'administratiu.

This is the entrance to Yamuna and the new building under construction. Every day we can see the progress of the construction. This building will have two bedrooms for children between 13 and 18 years of age and two offices, one for the center's manager and the other for those responsible for the administration.

A la cuina l’activitat no para; les cuineres quan no estan fent olles d’arròs, fan iogurts o magdalenes en aquest forn de carbó.

In the kitchen the activity never stops; the cooks make pots of rice, yoghurt, potatoes, and muffins baked in a coal furnace as you can see in this image.

En el safareig s’hi poden veure nens i nenes fent bugada. Grans i petits renten la seva roba personal o les sabates.

In the laundry space you can see children doing their laundry. Children and adults wash their own personal clothes and shoes.

La base dels àpats és l’arròs. Els infants abans d’entrar al menjar s’han d’haver rentat les mans i fan una fila per entrar en silenci. És digne d’admirar l’ordre i la tranquil·litat que hi ha durant l’àpat.

The base food for the area is rice. Children wash their hands before going to eat, and they enter the room in a row in-silence. The order and tranquility during every meal is worthy of admiration.


Tot i que en aquest moment no tots els nens estan al centre perquè molts estan de vacances, els que hi són s’entretenen jugant amb pedretes, xanques o joguines fetes per ells mateixos.

Currently not all the children are at the center because many are on vacation. Those who are at the center entertain themselves by playing with pebbles, stones or toys that they have made themselves.

Alguns nens i nenes fan deures i algunes activitats d’escriptura encara que siguin vacances.

Some children do homework and writing activities even though they are on holiday.

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