In this blog we want to show the process of the project that will take place soon in Vontovorona, Madagascar. We are excited and looking forward to begin our work at the childcare managed by Yamuna. Neus, Estel and Marta.

martes, 30 de agosto de 2011

Comencem la formació als mestres / We start the teachers’ training sessions

Ha arribar el dia esperat; el primer dia del curs de formació. Ens hem llevat a les 7.00 i a les 7.45 ens ha recollit la Hanitra per anar a buscar una intèrpret, la Mi, una noia que parla francès, malgaix i espanyol i ens ajudarà a tenir una millor comunicació amb alguns dels assistents que parlen habitualment el malgaix. Totes hem anat cap a Vontovorona. De camí, la Hanitra ens ha explicat que ha somiat amb l’escola dels infants. Això demostra la il·lusió que li fa tirar endavant aquest projecte.
Quan hem arribat al centre d’acollida, els nens i les nenes de Yamuna estaven al pati. Uns jugant a pedretes, altres a cartes, dues nenes es feien les trenetes del cabell i es pentinaven, un nen netejava la roba, dos nens estaven enfilats a les xanques que ells mateixos s’havien construït i altres es rentaven el cabell sota l’aigua. Els més petits estaven jugant al pati de la llar d’infants, sempre amb els ulls ben oberts observant la imparable activitat del centre.

The important day has arrived, the first day of the teacher’s training sessions. We wake up at 7.00 and at 7.45 Hanitra picked us up. We went to pick the interpreter up, called Mi, a girl that talks French, Malgasy and Spanish and who will help to have a better communication with some of the participants that talk normally in Malgasy. We went to Vontovorona and on the way, Hanitra explained us that she has dreamt with the children school. This means the excitement that she has to realize this project.
When we arrived at Yamuna’s children center, the girls and boys were outside. Some were playing with little stones, some playing with cards, two girls were combing their hair and creating their tresses, a boy was cleaning some clothes, and others were cleaning themselves with water and soap. The youngest children were playing outside at the kindergarden always with their eyes open to follow all the abundant activity that the center has.



Hem anat caminant cap a les aules, on ja ens hi esperaven gairebé tots els participants del curs. Estaven tots assentats a les taules, parlant en veu baixa i esperant impacients que arribéssim. A les 9.00 hem començat la classe. La Hanitra ha explicat el programa de la formació. Tot fent una activitat amb els noms propis dels participants, ens hem pogut conèixer millor. Amb aquesta activitat s’intenta mostrar una de les maneres de rebre els infants a l’escola. Hem explicat el conte de la ¨Tante Marie¨ i tots ells han participat fent després un joc de rol. També hem explicat el conte de “La Navet” i el conte de “La Minette”, a partir del qual han creat una Minette per cadascú a partir de globus. Finalment, hem après una cançó que ens ha ensenyat la Tahina per dir-nos tots plegats bon dia abans de començar les jornades.

We went walking to the room, where the attendants were already waiting us. All of them were sitting on their chairs and talking lowly. At 9.00 we started the session. Hanitra has explained the program of the training sessions. By doing an activity with the names of the attendants, we got to know each other better. By realizing this activity, we tried to show how to receive the children at the school. We explained the “Tante Marie” story and they have participated by being the character of the story. Also we explained the story of “Le Navet” and the story about “La Minette”, with which they created a Minette by themselves with balloons. Finally, we learned a song that Tahina teach us and we will sing that song every day before the sessions.


Les sessions als professors duraran 6 dies de 9.00 a 16.00, amb una pausa de 12.00 a 13.00 per dinar i tornar a agafar forces. Els dies que fa bon temps, com avui, mengem a fora, fent un pícnic i cantem una cançó per beneir els aliments abans de menjar. El dinar ens el porten camps a través les dones que treballen a la cuina del centre d’acollida, com podeu veure a la foto. Cada dia es realitzaran diferents activitats perquè els participants del curs educatiu aprenguin diverses formes d’ensenyar, de cooperar i de motivar als infants. 

The training sessions last six days from 9.00 until 16.00, with a pause from 12.00 to 13.00 because we have lunch. When the weather is good like today, we eat outside, like a picnic and we sing a song before to eat to bless the food. The women who work at the kitchen of Yamuna bring us the food before the lunch, as you can see at the photo. Every day we will realize different activities because the attendants of the education course learn different ways to teach, to cooperate and to motivate the children.


5 comentarios:

Barbara dijo...

Again amazing to read this! What a trip! Can imagine that some moments are emotional. Especially when you see al the happy faces of the children. Good luck and enjoy with everything! Enormous beso! X Barbara (and as well greetings from Ivar)

Paul Gonzalez dijo...

Ueueueue Buenos dias princesas!

Nuevas fotos! It's very interesting to read about your stories there Marta and the pictures that you have placed speak for themselves! very nice.


adomenech dijo...

Holaaaaaaaa!! Som el max i la mama des del despatx!!! Hem vist totes les fotos! El Max al.lucina(i jo tbe). Aprofiteu molt i us esperem ben aviat! Us informarem de com va el 1er dia de cole del Max. Un peto enorme!!!

Cheles dijo...

Es un buen proyecto, adelante!!!
Un abrazo

Marta Domènech Baldó dijo...

Els vostres comentaris ens alegren i ens ajuden a tenir més energia per tirar endavant aquest projecte! Sou genials!

Your comments helps us to have more energy to carry out this project! You are great!